Error launching application

I have Autodetect HTTP Address enabled on the servers. The redundancy settings are untouched I believe. I have changed the gateway name though.

Edit: Additional notes on this. I deleted the .ignition folder on my laptop last week or so and I think it made the problem much worse like it fails most of the time now but only for me. But then again I also synchronized projects recently as well so if its a caching thing that could be related.

Will note that there are many C_.txt files in my cache folder. This file contains IP Addresses to my development server but this is usually the server it seems to try to contact after the first servers fail to connect.

Another note is that the development server is running latest beta software as well as it has the OEE module (which I think is unrelated) and the ActiveX module (this module seems to be causing jniwrap.log files to be created so could be doing other things?). The production servers are still on 7.1.8-b3.