Document Viewer

Embedding flash probably isn’t going to be your best bet, althought you might be able to get that to work with the (free) ActiveX plugin.

Scraping a weather page for info and displaying it is a fun trick. See this script (which I copied and pasted from the user manual)

[code]# This function would query Yahoo Weather for the temperature at

the given zipcode and find the temperature using a regular expression

def getTempAt(zipCode):
import fpmi
import re #Regular Expression library

response ="" + str(zipCode))

# NOTE - if you've never seen regular expressions before, don't worry, they look
# confusing even to people who use them frequently.
pattern = re.compile('.*?<yweather:condition (.*?)/>', re.DOTALL)
match = pattern.match(response)
if match:
	subText =
	temp = re.compile('.*?temp="(.*?)"').match(subText).group(1)
	return int(temp)
	fpmi.gui.errorBox("Yahoo weather service changed")
	return -1[/code]

Also, notice that linking to this image brings in an updated radar map for california:
( … SIRCAC.gif)

Hope this helps,