Can security be applied at the project level?

Definitely! Make a few Authentication profiles and use the expert authentication query for them.

Assuming you are using a database driven authentication profile, go into the FactoryPMI gateway configuration page. Go to the authentication profiles. Click the edit icon for the one you want. At the bottom of the page, there is a section labeled ‘Query Configuration (expert)’.

You can set this up any way you want, but if you added a ‘location’ column (with an area called East Stack) to the user table, your query would look like:SELECT Username FROM USERS WHERE Username = '$username$' AND Password = '$password$' AND location = 'East Stack'
This will work for one project that is tied to the East Stack location. You cannot pass in the project name like you can the username and password, so you will need to set up another Auth. profile for each project that needs to use the location column. At least this way they all use the same table in the database.