Cold standby licensing

The requirement to have another PC available on-site comes from the customer’s insurers, I think. Your pricing model works well for a central server with lots of View nodes, but this installation is a standalone machine, so paying for 2 servers looks quite expensive. I don’t think I could realistically ask the customer to restart the FSQL, FPMI and reporting plugin licences every 2 hours. The customer’s current software uses a hardware dongle, so swapping to a standby PC is not an issue.

An hour or two of downtime while another PC was installed would not be a problem, but a whole day (or even weekend) would not be acceptable. It is obviously more of an issue here due to the 8 hour time difference between us.

I’ve worked with other software which used software licensing, and which had the facility of issuing time-limited keys. Would it be possible to issue a standby key which would last several days to tide us over any gap?