SQL and PMI questions

Colby, thanks for the information. I do have one more question about this Index column which you say FSQL creates.

Lets say I have some of my folders and groups defined. I have the index numbers of 1 for machine 1, 2 for machine 2 and 3 for machine 3 but then I jump upto machine 26 because right now we are in the begining phase of this project. Now the funny thing is I have the data comming back for machines 1, 2 and 3 but it will not put in the index a 26. Do I need to create the database first with the static index numbers of 1 thru 99 or should the software create a index 26 in the database?


To sum up the first few questions: Connections to the DB are managed pretty autonomously by both products. That is, if they go down, there’s nothing you need to do to get them reconnected. Both products check bad connections on a timer, around 10 seconds.

In terms of logging and connection loss- FactorySQL includes built-in data caching. So, for most of your purposes, factorysql will handle this automatically. When the connection is lost, data will be logged to an internal database, and then entered into the main db when it’s back up- time sync’d and all.

So, with that out of the way, is it still necessary to detect that the db connection is down? There’s probably a few things you could do, especially in PMI, but it might not be worth the effort.

Now, about the ndx column:
Yes, this column is precisely what you’re looking for. Each table that FSQL creates has “primary key index column”, by default with the name {tablename}_ndx. Essentially, what this means is that every row will have it’s own value (generated by the DB), and it’s “indexed”, so it’s very quick to query against. You definitely can (and should) use this any time you need to keep track of/query rows.

Finally, about the default/startup windows- yes, this is very easy. Simply right-click on any window and choose “open on startup”. On the other window, right click and choose “don’t open on startup”. Note that you can have multiple windows set to start on startup.

Hope this helps,[/quote]