Make the case for Ignition

Thank you developers and integrators for sharing your insight and experience. I’ve wanted to back Java but I just don’t know enough about it, so the developers insight is very useful.

Kevin - Its amazing how much of this industry goes off dis-information. So when a client is ‘web-launched’ really what is going on is the client is downloaded via the web-browser. In the end its still compiled code and just another process like the 46 running on my computer right now.

Colby - When it comes to .NET the only people I’ve heard criticise that are the couple of software developers we have here that write some apps =). Also when it comes to price I think you are right about the inflated infrastructure. I swear some, not to be named, products spend 90% of their software development on the licensing of their product.

Duffanator - I agree with you about the ‘set you free’. Nothing is more frustrating than telling the customers those 2 new tags he wanted is going to cost x amount of dollars since he will be going over the tag count by 1. I admire Ignitions pricing model, it just makes sense and to any potential customer I know it will make sense when they see it compared to other products.

Jordan - Thanks for the real-world application. This is good ammunition. I can only convince people so much when I have a demo running for 10 minutes with 50 tags in it.

Nathan - You are right, I will setup a Web-demo and let technical sales work their magic. I’m a young engineer and I get tired of the status quo or doing things a certain way simply because that is the way we do it, with no real logic or reasoning behind it.

Thank you all for the replies. I think it would be great to have a ‘skeptics section’ on the web-site that lays down all the ‘rumors’/false claims that get voiced.