TagName in UDT

NOTE: I wrote this at the same time as Pat wrote his post. His idea is similar and probably better.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to have an automatic/dynamic link right now. Instead, the best you can do would be to create a parameter on the UDT for “InstanceName”, and then set it for each instance you make. In other words, you’ll have to manually make sure it is the same as the tag name. Then, in your alert settings, you can reference that parameter, like:

Alarm {InstanceName}

The main problem is that the alarm name does not allow bindings, and unfortunately there aren’t any “meta” properties available in UDT parameters (that is, we could possibly make a set of parameters that were available all the time, like Instance Name, Tag Path, etc).

In 7.6, which is 100% focused on Alarming, more fields will be bindable.
