Missing data in block array writen to PLC

Hello Clegg,

We have isolated the problem to specific floating point values and we are able to easily reproduce the problem at specific points. For example, if the database has the value 96.69999125, then it does not write to the PLC, however if we change the value to 97.1, then it writes into that array column all the time. Now the two numbers that I just gave you are not the exact onces causing the problem, but the problem is reproducable. I went ahead and installed Ignition and setup the groups and we have not had a single problem with the writing of data into these arrays. So I am not sure if the problem was in FactorySQL, or RSLinx, all I know is that Ignition uses its own OPC driver which eliminates RSLinx.

Please advise, because our company is requesting that we get a refund on FactorySQL to apply to the purchase of Ignition. We do not have time to do all of this analysis at this time, because we have a very upset customer already.

Thank you,
