JDBC driver for Progress 9.1E

Generally, with JDBC available, we can get it to work with the system. Sometimes there are some intricacies that make things difficult, but hopefully we can work around those.

Unfortunately, none of us here have any experience with that system, so we can’t help too much off the bat, but we can help with the process. Conveniently, I found a pretty good user’s guide for the jdbc driver here.

The basic process:

  1. Create a new database translator from System>Database>Drivers>Translators Tab.
  2. Create a new driver entry
    2b) Add the jar file(s)
    2c) Configure the settings:
    Class name: [tt]com.progress.sql.jdbc.JdbcProgressDriver[/tt]
    Url Format: [tt]jdbc:JdbcProgress:T:isis:5000:testdb[/tt]
    DB Translator: As created above
  3. Create a new connection using that driver
  4. Try to figure out what to tweak to make it work!

I got these values from the guide, hopefully they’re correct. Obviously, the trickiest part is #4. Each database has a variety of quirks- from a decent validation query (a query that can be run to make sure the connection is ok, that returns 1 value), to the specific syntax for creating tables, indexes, id columns, etc.

Depending on what you want to do you may not have to get into all of that. If you just want to read data, for example, you may just need to get the validation query to work (and there’s a good chance that the default “select 1” is fine). If you want to use all features, including transaction groups and sqltags (external, or sqltags history), you might have a bit more work on your hands.

Hope this gets you started,