Gentoo Linux ebuilds for 7.1.1 and 7.1.2

I’ve had a chance to work out how the context package expands and the xml files that need to be touched to end up with a manageable package. To keep it simple, I didn’t try to create ‘catapult’ and ‘ignition’ as separate packages, and I didn’t include any support for multiple, simultaneous contexts. The installer I ended up with only sets up ‘ctx0’, and will overwrite it if present.

With the ebuild files in an overlay, the standard gentoo ‘emerge ignition’ will go out and grab the right install file for either x86 or amd64, expand it, touch up the config files for the gentoo folder layout, and put all the files in appropriate locations. If you are running a stable system, you’ll get v7.1.1. If unstable, or you keyword ‘www-app/ignition’, you’ll get the v7.1.2 beta.

Use ‘/etc/init.d/ignition start’ and ‘rc-update add ignition default’ to run the service and set it to start on boot.

When you uninstall, the customizations you’ve made, and the projects you’ve created, are left in place. Installing a new version automatically picks up your customizations and projects. One anomaly was noted: sometimes on upgrade projects would lose their ‘default auth profile’ setting.

Also, changes to the listening port made with GCU will be lost on re-install or upgrade. (along with anything else in config.xml.)
ignition-7.1.2-r1.ebuild.tar.gz (5.2 KB)