.jar to .modl

This is covered in the module SDK guide around page 69.

You should read about how Java Beans work.

You need to add a getter/setter pair on your component with a name that matches the entry in the bean info class.

For example, if you wanted to add an integer property called “Foo” you’d add these methods to your actual component:

public int getFoo() { return foo; } public void setFoo(int foo { this.foo = foo; }

and this entry into your bean info:

addProp("foo", "Foo", "This is a silly property", CAT_WHATEVER, PREFERRED_MASK);

The mask flags simply affect whether or not the property is expected to throw property change events and how they show up in the property editor (preferred, standard, expert, hidden, etc)

This is all covered in the module SDK guide, please read that.