HSQLDatastore entries

That message should probably not be “info” level - it has been changed. You should be able to turn it off by switching the level of “HSQLDataStore” logger to WARN.

Let’s look at a different problem though: your history is being logged to the cache instead of directly to the database and is taking 880 ms per row?!? That can’t be good.

There are a few scenarios that come to mind:

  1. Database is down, so data is being logged to cache, but the cache system is just being slow (there’s a possibility that the 1 record represents a transaction with many rows, but still - 800ms is a long time).
  2. The database is up, but something happened that caused data to not be written as quickly as expected- which caused it to be sent to the data cache. Given that data is pulled first from the data cache, you’ve now entered a cycle where all data must be written to and then pulled from the cache.

Go to the Status section and take a look at the store and forward system, and see what kind of stats you have. Also, are your store and forward settings at the default values? By default it only gives the data 1 second to go from the memory store to the database before moving to the cache- this should probably be bumped up quite a bit to avoid the cache more of the time and give it a chance to catch up when unexpected things happen.
