Tag History Max time between records

Thank you for the detailed answer, Luke!

I can see that doing what I suggested would solve one problem and create another.

From the user manual:

“Max Time Between Records
Normally the Tag Historian only stores records when values change. By default, an “unlimited” amount of time can pass between records- if the value doesn’t change, a new row is never inserted in the database. By modifying this setting, it is possible to specify the maximum number of time or scan class execution cycles that can occur before a value is recorded. If the value is set to “execution” mode, the execution count is that of the historical scan class. Since this setting generally leads to more data being stored in the database, it is important to only change this property when necessary.”

Ignition did not always have this setting. Can you tell me why it was added? “…when necessary” just kind of hangs there in that last sentence.