Chart and General Notes

Alright, I have another question now. I’m set up to be able to select a point on the chart, add a note to the database, and have it automatically pull up and display the annotation on the chart. I can even change the text color based on the Plot Background color. All is good to this point. The only issue I foresee is, this customer may not like the text showing up on the chart all of the time (because they may enter a paragraph of text, depending on who is making the note.) My first thought was, pop an icon up on the chart to show where notes exist, and let them click the icon to pop up a notes window. I saw in the JFreeChart docs that there is an XYImageAnnotation class that appears to work similarly to the XYTextAnnotation class I have working now. What I’m not sure about are:

  1. Can I access a built-in image to use in XYImage Annotation?
  2. I skimmed the API docs looking for it, but nothing jumped out at me. Can I retrieve the chart x-y coordinates I click on the chart? All I have seen so far is just the Selected Value, which works, and the Selected X Value, which doesn’t appear to return anything.

Thanks again for all the help on this, guys!