How to work with data from TCP driver

The best place to look to start trouble shooting the problem is in the console any errors with connectivity will show up there. One of the changes that was made to the TCP driver is that the connected status now means that the driver is successfully started and is attempting to start listeners on the port(s) that you specified in device settings. I’m making some changes to make this more apparent and less confusing.

Check in the console and see if there are any errors being reported. There are two reasons that the tags will stay red:

  1. The driver hasn’t yet received any packets on the configured port or
  2. the socket connection isn’t successfully being made on the specified port

If a socket connection is failing to be made it will be reported in the console. If there are no errors then maybe there is something wrong with the driver configuration. If you still have trouble getting data to show up in your tags then give us a call here in support and I can take a look and see what’s going on.