Accessing a List of all Historical Tags

The version of Ignition I'm using is 7.6, but it turns out that the database actually stores a separate table containing every historical tag's path.

Thanks for the tip off, I was overlooking the information stored in the database. All I had to do was a very quick and easy query to the table "sqlth_te" and store it in a list. I should note that the list was two dimensional (i.e. a table), so to use only the actual path string I had to select only the relevant column (code below):

tagList = system.db.runQuery("SELECT tagpath FROM sqlth_te")

for j in range(len(tagList)):
   #gives just the tagpath string (which I've also parsed using the split() function
	label = tagList[j][0].split("/")    

Thanks for the help folks! :thumb_left: