Alarm Journal Filtering by Associated Data

Couldn’t really find anything already posted about this.

Is there any plans or is it possible now to filter the Journal table by an alerts associated data?

Maybe an addition to the Search string property?



Hi Tim,

This functionality has been added as of 7.6.3. You can filter on associated data by using the “filterAlarm” extension function on the Alarm Journal and Alarm Status components. Use alarmEvent.get(“property name”), where “property name” is the name of your associated data property.

Thanks Luke,

Not sure I follow you as to where I would use that function on the Journal or Status components?



Right click on the component > Scripting. Take a look at the left side of the scripting window and there is a section called “Extension Functions”. filterAlarm is under that. When you click on that function, it will have some more info on how to use it.


Didn’t even think to look there… :blush:

Many thanks Luke.
