New "Solved Topic" feature on the forum

In an effort to continue to make the forum an ever more useful place to get answers, we’ve added in a new forum mod to allow marking topics as “Resolved”. We hope this will help reduce the number of topics that fall through the cracks, and will also help users looking for answers.

The process is simple: when you feel like your question has been answered, just click the icon in the lower right on the post that answers your question, or the last post, if there isn’t a clear winner.

Once you do that, the topic will be locked and will get a new icon next to its title.

When looking for answers, clicking on that icon will take you directly to the post that was marked as the answer.

Also, you can “un-solve” topics later if you realize that something was missing. We hope this will prove to be a useful feature, and that the forum will continue to evolve and become the best place to find answers fast.


Cool new feature!

So cool I stared going back through my topics and marking them solved. (man do I have a lot of topics. I really should spend more time working and less time on this forum :stuck_out_tongue: ) I even got a chance to to try out the “unsolve” button :smiley: . But later I tried to unsolve something and the button wasn’t there :open_mouth: Is there some sort of limit to how old the thread can be before you can’t unsolve it anymore?

You either have to start the thread or be a moderator to unsolve it.

And the same to solve it. Right?

I think so

I found that after marking my thread solved, if I go back and unsolve it, the thread still stays locked.

Ok, I have fixed that. Go ahead and cycle it again (from solved to unsolved) and it will allow posts again. Thanks for the update.

Please could the ‘solved’ feature be changed so that it does not lock topics at all.

On more than one occasion I have wanted to add important information but am unable to because the topic is locked.


[quote=“systemparadox”]Please could the ‘solved’ feature be changed so that it does not lock topics at all.

On more than one occasion I have wanted to add important information but am unable to because the topic is locked.


yeah, I agree. maybe make it lock 3 days after it was solved.

No don't lock it at all. If a topic shows up in a search, the information needs to be kept up to date. Misleading or outdated information is worse than no information. It doesn't matter if the original thread was marked as solved months ago, it still needs updating, even if that is to post a link to a different thread.

I agree about keeping the threads unlocked. Though a particular post my solve an issue or answer a user’s question, other users might still be able to provide valuable feedback or provide a more elegant solution to a problem that they couldn’t provide if the thread was locked.

Maybe by clicking the “Solved” button on a post, that particular post is highlighted/differentiated from the rest to indicated that this is the post that solved the issue?

++1 :thumb_right:

The idea behind locking solved topics is to prevent people from resurrecting them 3 years later with a:

I agree that some sort of time delay on there would be a better solution than locking it right away, but believe it or not we don't get a lot if time to spend on customizing our forum software..

What if only developers and integrators were able to edit these threads? I would expect that it’s largely developers and integrators who want to do this anyway. Hopefully the forum software allows this to be setup easily.

Would this be an acceptable solution?

Oh, the irony!