Relative tag path referencing

Ok, I added a little something extra. This will show how to go up the tree and down another branch to reference something in that branch.

I added another sub-folder under the parent named Child2, and in that sub-folder I added another simple string type memory tag named Child2Tag. The text for that tag is ‘This is the Child2Tag text’. This is how the tree looks now.


Next , in the Grandchild folder, I added another simple string type expression tag named Child2TagText. It will reference the Child2Tag in the Child2 sub-folder of the Parent folder by going back up the tree from Grandchild to Child, up from Child to Parent, down to Child2, and reference its Child2Tag. Here is how the tree looks after that.


The expression used in Child2TagText to do this is shown below.


As you can see, the text of Child2TagText is the same as the text of Child2Tag.